July Update Rollup KB3172614 and Windows 10

LEOPARDMicrosoft finally got around to fixing the annoying side effect of Windows 10 release upgrades, which was loosing your Essentials connector.

Hidden away in KB3172614 and after literally months of pressure from Susan Bradley, (because frankly I gave up) we find..

Updated the inbox component in Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials to use the new client connector, so that the inbox component won’t get uninstalled during Windows 10 upgrades.

A simple footnote in the back of KB article hidden downstairs in a filing cabinet behind a door with a sign saying Beware of the Leopard.

So what do you need to know about this fix?

Firstly, if you don’t know why this was required the Essentials 2012 R2 connector was installed as a KB update to your Windows Clients, which was fine until Windows 10 released.

When a build update is done to Windows 10 (Think RTM to 1511) all the installed KBs are ‘refreshed’ out of the install. Essentially a new copy of Windows 10 is installed with no patches. This as you may have guessed, or indeed seen, had the unhappy side effect of removing the Essentials Connector.

Microsoft have now changed the Connector code to once again be installed a Program rather than a KB, but in order to take advantage of that, you have to first install the KB on the Server then reinstall the connector on any Windows 10 Client.

Essentials Update

On a LAB system I was working on yesterday I installed the connector software, updated to the 1607 build of Windows 10, and still had the connector installed when the 1607 update was complete.. No issues.

If you run into issues reinstalling the connector – DON’T PANIC. They can all usually be solved without resorting to renaming PCs or reinstalling the OS.

If it were me, and i was managing this for a client, i would get the KB installed asap and reinstall the connector on those Windows 10 Clients, before they auto upgrade to 1607.

Update 11/08/2016

As some people have found, there are two issues with the Essentials Connector software following an Update to Windows 10 build 1607 (14393)

These being that the Essentials Tray App no longer functions (due to a corrupt IconCache) and that the Alerts Evaluation scheduled task no longer functions.

Thanks to some dogged detection work from the community, special mention to Mike (mentioned in the comments) we have two working solutions for these issues.

Essentials Tray App

To fix the issue of the Essentials Tray App not displaying, you can download a BAT file from TenForums or what i have done is setup a Group Policy to do this for me. Set this as a logon script and the TrayApp should be automatically repaired for you.

$regKey = "HKCU:\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify" 
$setKey = "HKCU:\Software\EssentialsTrayApp" 
# Check For Repair 
$checkETray = Test-Path $setKey 
if(($checkETray) -eq $false) 
    New-Item $setKey 
    New-ItemProperty $setKey -Name Repair -PropertyType DWORD -Value 0 
$repair = (Get-ItemProperty $setKey).Repair 
if(($repair) -eq "0") 
    Stop-Process -ProcessName Explorer 
    Remove-ItemProperty $regKey -Name IconStreams -Force 
    Remove-ItemProperty $regKey -Name PastIconStream -Force 
    Set-ItemProperty $setKey -Name Repair -Value 1
    $a = new-object -comobject wscript.shell 
    $b = $a.popup("Please Reboot",0,"Essentials Tray App Repair",0) 
    Write-Output "Tray App Repaired" 

Alert Evaluations Task

You can edit the task manually to change the program path and arguments, or you can use the following PowerShell script.

 $taskPath = "\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Server Essentials\"
 $taskName = "Alert Evaluations"
 $program = "C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin\RunTask.exe"
 $args = '/asm:"C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin\AlertFramework.dll" /class:Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.NetworkHealth.AlertFramework.HealthScheduledTask /method:EvaluateAlertsByTriggerTaskAction /task:"Alert Evaluations"'
 $alertTask = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPath -TaskName $taskName
 $regPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows Server"
 $checkRepair = (Get-ItemProperty $regPath).AlertTaskRepair
 if(($checkRepair) -ne "1")
 if(($alertTask.Actions.Execute) -ne $program)
 Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $alertTask.TaskName -Confirm:$false
 # Check Task Removed
 $alertTask = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPath -TaskName "Alert Evaluations"
 if(($alertTask) -eq $null)
 New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name "AlertTaskRepair" -Value 0 -Force
 $a = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $program -Argument $args
 $t = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 12am
 $p = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal System
 $s = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet
 $d = New-ScheduledTask -Action $A -Principal $p -Trigger $T -Settings $S
 Register-ScheduledTask -InputObject $d -TaskPath $taskPath -TaskName $taskName
 Set-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name "AlertTaskRepair" -Value 1 -Force

Again i would set this as a Startup Script linked to a Policy that applies to build 1607 of Windows 10.

For help setting up separate policies for different builds of Windows 10, check out this article.

About Robert Pearman
Robert Pearman is a UK based IT worker bee. He has been working within the IT Industry for what feels like forever. Robert likes Piña colada and getting caught in the rain, he also enjoys writing about Technology like PowerShell or System Automation but not as much as he used to. If you're in trouble, and you can find him, maybe you can ask him a question.

10 Responses to July Update Rollup KB3172614 and Windows 10

  1. Thanks for your post Robert. However, it doesn’t seem to address the problem with EssentialsTrayApp.exe that most of us now seem to be experiencing after installing the client connector from KB3172614 on our Windows 10 (Anniversary Update) client computers. Please see the following thread for all of the details:


    Any ideas?

  2. Hi All,

    Apparently the “Notification Area Icons” cache becomes (somewhat???) corrupted when installing the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607), and this in turn is causing EssentialsTrayApp.exe to error out when it attempts to reset the Essentials notification area icon (as is indicated by the errors that are shown in the EssentialsTrayApp..log file).

    In order to correct the issue, you simply need to reset the Notification Area Icons cache for each user who is missing the Essentials notification area icon on their Windows 10 client computer. I have tested this on three separate Windows 10 client computers (Pro and Home), and it has corrected the problem on all of them.

    To reset the Notification Area Icon cache, simply download the “Reset_Notification_Area_Icons_Cache.bat” file from the following web page (props go out to Shawn Brink and the Windows Ten Fourms for their excellent tutorial!):

    How to Reset Notification Area Icons in Windows 10

    After the client computer has restarted, you will find the Essentials notification area icon has returned to the notification area of your Windows 10 client computer.

    I hope this helps everyone out that is currently experiencing the problem on their Windows 10 client computers.

    — MIKE (The Office Maven)

  3. Hi All,

    While you’re at it you might also want to fix the “Alert Evaluations” task in the Task Scheduler as it is also messed up by the new client connector that gets installed by KB3172614.

    To do so, open the Task Scheduler, and go to:

    Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Windows Server Essentials

    Double-click on the “Alert Evaluations” task and click on the “Actions” tab in the Properties window that appears.

    Double-click on the “Start a program” action and change the “Program/script” value to:

    C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin\RunTask.exe

    And change the “Add arguments (optional)” value to:

    /asm:”C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin\AlertFramework.dll” /class:Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.NetworkHealth.AlertFramework.HealthScheduledTask /method:EvaluateAlertsByTriggerTaskAction /task:”Alert Evaluations”

    NOTE: Adjujst the location of your client computer’s “C:\Program Files” folder as required (for locals other than English, etc.).

    Click OK, answer Yes to the confirmation message that appears, and then click OK again to close the Properties window.

    After that, you can manually run the task to make sure that it now works properly (note that you may need to hit Refresh in order to see the updated run result).

    — MIKE (The Office Maven)

  4. John says:

    Hi all,

    After the KB is installed on the server, is there anyway to get the clients to silently in-place overwrite the old connector automatically without needing to re-run it manually on all PC’s and have it resetting the AD Description, setting the essentials backup integration etc. all over again?

  5. petieg says:

    Hmmm… I’m not really fond of these type of connectors, and have always ripped them out when taking over an SBS client (from long ago) — but i see the value in this latest one w/ backups and your PC listed in Remote Web Access, etc. Anybody know of a way to have the PCs listed in Remote Web Access w/out this connector?

  6. Jason Hoffman says:

    I’ve experienced the issue with Windows 10 pro with the Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials server. I’ve uninstalled the connector software from the Windows 10 Pro machine, and attempted reinstall,via” http://server/connect” but am getting “windows server essentials connector configuration wizard has stopped working” and the install fails… Not sure if this has been seen before. I’ve been searching and haven’t seen this noted.

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